7 blogging mistakes to avoid to make money blogging

7 blogging mistakes to avoid to make money blogging:


Blogging for cash is my job and I love doing it. Most people who try to make money blogging get stuck and give up halfway, end up not making real money online blogging. To be honest, making money blogging is not an easy task, it involves a lot of things like writing, blogging SEO, blog coding, blog designing, getting traffic blog, etc.

I find that there are some mistakes most bloggers make that make them fail to make money blogging. Most bloggers face 7 blogging errors and I have listed them in this article.

Earn Money Blogging | Seven mistakes to avoid


Mistake # 1 expecting visitors to come

Remember that visitors will not automatically come to your blog. You need to get your blog listed in search engines, promote your blog, introduce your blog to friends and family, participate in forums, etc. In order to drive traffic to your blog and make money blogging, you have to work really hard to get that traffic.


You won’t see people come to your blog just by writing a few blog posts and start making money right away. Learn more about the best high ranking social bookmarking sites.


Mistake # 2 Do more than talk

It’s pretty boring if you read a blog that looks like a lecture. I don’t like going to classes and listening to lectures because it makes me drowsy. And you? In blogging it is always important to have good communication with your blog readers and the way to do that is to write blog posts that are more like talking. Tak to your blog readers. Read about 4 tips for writing high impact blog posts.


Mistake # 3 Changing Blog URL

This is another big mistake made by most bloggers. Before you start, think carefully and think of a good name for your blog. When you finally decide on the blog URL, you shouldn’t change it anymore. I know some bloggers change their blog URL often. This will cause problems for blog visitors as they may not be able to find your blog if you change the blog URL. This will hurt your blog traffic and of course your blog income.


Mistake # 4 Focusing on quantity over quality

Some say quantity is more important than quality. There is some truth to this, but I still think a lot of high quality blog posts are the best. As we all know blogging is about sharing knowledge and some bloggers are sharing their life through blogging. When I read a blog, if I find the blog posts to be of poor quality or the blog posts to be confusing, I will leave the blog. But, if a blog is tidy with great content and easy to understand blog posts, I will surely come back to this blog for more.

So write high quality blog posts and write a lot to keep visitors coming back. Find out why good blog posts are so important in blogging.


Mistake # 5 neglecting keyword research

Keyword research is another overlooked part of blogging. Why do we need to research keywords? Well, maybe most of you will think, “Oh, your blog is over-marketed if you use keyword research.”. I would say that is not true. Since we are trying to make money online blogging and know what we want to talk about in our blog, why not do some research on keywords that might be relevant to us so that we can provide some information. correct and precise to our visitors blog?


Let’s take an example

Maybe you are writing about: Selection of car rims

BUT, users are looking for: How to choose car rims


The example above shows you that you are writing about your topics, but since you don’t do any keyword research, your topic ends up not appealing to these users.


Mistake # 6 Writing shoddy comments on other blogs

Writing comments is another important blogging task. In order to make money blogging, you must also create a good interaction with other bloggers. The best way to get more recognition for your blog is to write comments on blogs that are in the same niche as your blog.

Don’t write spam comments and that’s the mistake most bloggers make. Don’t forget s to write high quality, insightful comments on other blogs.


Mistake # 7 neglecting visitor comments

Visitors come and go. Some visitors may leave comments on our blog posts and ensure that we all respond to them. Some of them might be spam comments and we will need to remove them. Some visitors will provide excellent comments. Personally, I find that some of these comments help me generate new ideas for writing new blog posts.


So, do not ignore comments from visitors, these comments could prove to be useful.

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