How do the annelids differ from the arthropods

Q- How do the Annelids differ from the Arthropods?

Answer- Annelids:

1. The gut system of Annelids is complete and straight.

2. Annelids use their skin as respiratory organ.

3. The circulatory system of Annelids is closed type.

4. The body cavity of Annelids is true coelom.

5. The one of the most peculiar character of Annelids is that their body is segmented by rings like grooves that are called as annuli.


1. The gut system of Arthropods is complete and coiled.

2. Arthropods have trachea and gills as their respiratory organ.

3. The circulatory system of is Arthropods open type.

4. The body cavity of Arthropods is Haemocoel.

5. The one of the most peculiar character of Arthropods is that their legs are jointed.

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