Tabulate the structural peculiarities location and function of areolar, yellow fibre and adipose connective tissue

Q- Tabulate the structural peculiarities, location and function of areolar, yellow fibre and Adipose connective tissue.

Answer- Areolar Connective tissue:

1. The Areolar Connective tissue is most abundant type of connective tissue. The areolar connective tissue consists of a transparent cytoplasm or matrix that is gelatinous and sticky in nature. The cells of areolar connective tissue are loosely arranged. 

Areolar connective tissue performs several functions in different parts but the main function of areolar connective tissue is that it work as binding tissue between organs as it helps in connecting bone to bone, skin to muscle, muscle to bone, peritoneum to body wall and visceral organs.

Yellow fibres:

The yellow fibres are thicker, branched and straight in nature. The yellow fibres occur in single form. Chemically the yellow fibres consist of elastin protein. 

Yellow fibres perform several functions in different parts but the main function of yellow fibres is that it provides elasticity.

Adipose Connective tissue:

The Adipose connective tissue consists of fat globules that store fat in body. The adipose connective tissues are responsible for storing fat in form of globules. The adipose tissues also consist of mast cells that are oval shaped that secret matrix of connective tissue, heparin and histamine.

Easy way to draw labelled diagram of Adipose tissue:

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