what are the advantages of inter-cropping and crop rotation

Q- What are the advantages of inter-cropping and crop rotation?

Answer- Intercropping is the process of growing or cultivation of two or more crops simultaneously in the same field in definite row pattern.

In inter cropping a few rows of one crop alternate with a few rows of a second crop. For example: Soya bean, maize e.t.c. .

In it the row patter is about 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3.

There are various advantages of Inter cropping. Some of the main advantages of inter cropping are as follows:

1. Both the crops which are grown can provide better return as compared to single crop.

2. It checks spreading of pests and diseases to all plants.

3. Inter cropping ensures maximum utilization of nutrients. 

Crop rotation can be defined as a more or less regular recurrent succession of different crops on the same land in other word the process in which different types of crops are grown alternatively in the same field is called as crop rotation.

There are various advantages of Crop rotation. Some of the main advantages of Crop rotation method are as follows:

1. The crop rotation method improves the fertility of the soil as a result increase in crop production. 

2. The crop rotation method saves the nitrogenous fertilizers. This is because the leguminous plants grown during the crop rotation fix nitrogen from air and enrich the land with nitrogen elements.

3. The crop rotation method allows crop alternation.

4. The crop rotation method improves soil fertility.

5. The crop rotation method also helps in pests control because weeds and pests do not get the same crop in the next season and find it difficult to survive so that this would reduce chances of weeds and pests attack on crop.

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