why are xylem and phloem called Complex tissue? explain the cell types of phloem and enlist their functions

Q- Why are xylem and phloem called complex tissue? Explain the cell types of phloem and enlist their functions.

Answer- Both Xylem and Phloem tissue are called as complex tissue because they are consisted of many types of cells and have a complex combination of structure as well as function. 

The xylem tissues are of four types:

1. Tracheids

2. Vessels

3. Xylem parenchyma

4. Xylem fibre

Tracheids and vessels helps in long distance conduction of water and minerals from roots to aerial parts of plant body.

Xylem parenchyma helps in storage and short distance conduction of water and minerals.

Xylem fibre helps in providing mechanical support to the plant and tree.

The Phloem tissues are of four types:

1. Companion cells

2. Sieve tube cells

3. Phloem parenchyma

4. Phloem fibre

Companion cells and Sieve tube cells helps in long distance conduction of food and nutrients from roots to aerial parts of plant body.

Phloem parenchyma helps in storage of food and short distance conduction of food and nutrients.

Phloem fibre helps in providing mechanical support to the plant and tree.

Easy way to draw labelled diagram of Xylem tissue:

Easy way to draw labelled diagram of Phloem tissue:

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