Have you heard of onset of monsoons? how does it take place in India

Q- Have you heard of onset of monsoons? How does it take place in India?

Answer- Of course we have heard of the onset of monsoons in India. The onset of monsoon takes place in India with the normal rainfall increase suddenly and carries on the several days. This is also known as ‘burst of monsoon’ and can be distinguished from the pre-monsoon showers. The monsoon arises at the Southern tip of Indian peninsula generally by the first week of June month.

Then it gets divided into two branches:

1. The Arabian Sea branch

2. The Bay of Bengal branch 

Then it starts moving upwards, the Arabian Sea branch reaches Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh in about ten days and the Bay of Bengal branch reaches Assam in the first week of June month.

This is the all procedure of onset of monsoon in India. 

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