Is it correct to say that India would have been an arid land without monsoon. support your answer with five arguments

Q- Is it correct to say that India would have been an arid land without monsoon? Support your answer with five arguments.

Answer- India is a large country which has a monsoon type of climate. India’s climate is entirely depended on monsoon. 

The five arguments for this statement are as follows:

1. Without monsoons we might not be having thick forests level.

2. Since Western Rajasthan do not receive rainfall or monsoon, it is an arid and sandy region.

3. North Eastern winds which are prevailing in India are moving from land to sea, therefore they are dry. But due to deflection in the winds coming from South West direction, India does receive rain.

4. The North Eastern hills and Western Ghats are covered with lush green grass only because of Heavy rain in both these areas, or these areas might have been arid.

5. Without monsoon Indian framer swill not be able to irrigate their field and cannot grow crop in their fields. 

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