Q- Discuss various methods of weed control.
Answer- Weeds are unwanted plants which grow of their own along with crop plants. The weed absorbs the nutrients of plant more quickly or rapidly than crop plants. The weed harms the crop a lot as they restrict the growth of crop plants.
The process of removing weeds from a crop field is called as weeding. There are many methods of weed control but mainly they are of three types:
1. Remove weed by instruments: Weeds can be removed by using instrument such as trowel (khurpa).
2. Remove weeds by hand: Weeds can be removed by hand picking to uprooted them or remove them by hands.
3. Remove weeds by use of chemicals: Weeds can be removed by chemicals. There are many chemicals which are used to remove weeds. Some of them are:
2, 4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid), Butachor, Atrazine e.t.c. .