Are the answer to the above questions same or different? why?

Q- Are the answer to the above questions same or different? Why?

Answer- These both answers that are as follows are not same because they have differences between them:

First answer-

There are several factors and conditions that are necessary for being free of disease but according to the question the two main conditions that are essential for being free of disease are as follows:

1. There should be no environmental, pathogenic or genetic anomalies.

2. It is the state in which a person or individual is not suffering from any disease or discomfort. 

Second answer- 

There are several factors and conditions that are necessary for good health but according to the question the two main conditions that are essential for good health are as follows:

1. When all the organs and systems of a body are functioning normal and a perfect balance is maintained between environment and body.

2. When any person or individual is in the state of complete, physical, mental and social well being.

Now according to the question the two differences between these both are as follows:

1. Health is concerned with societies and communities, while disease is concerned with suffering individual.

2. An individual can be a poor with poor health even being free of any cause of disease. For example, In case of social and mental health. 

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