Define Immunization in microbiology


According to Microbiology, Immunization refers to providing protection against the infection of any foreign microbe by stimulating the immune system of an organism. The Immune system of an organism produces humoral antibodies that help in defending against the disease-causing microbes.

There are different elements of the immune system of an organism but out of them the most important elements of the immune system are T cells, B cells, and the antibodies B cells. These elements help to improve immunization.

Immunization can happen in various ways, both in the wild and as done by human efforts. The immunity which is gained naturally is known as natural immunity.

Natural immunity is gained by those organisms whose immune system had successfully defended against fighting off a previous infection. After this immunization, the microbe of the same disease cannot infect the body of that organism again easily.

Types of Immunization

We have learned about Immunization in the above heading. Now here we are going to tell you about the types of Immunization in little detail. So basically, there are two main types of immunization. These are-

  1. Active Immunization
  2. Passive Immunization

Active Immunization

Active immunization is the process in which the body of an organism generates antibodies against the microbe. You can understand it through any disease that entered the body previously. This is done so that the microbe of that disease cannot affect the body of the organism again.

Once any microbe got defeated by the immune system of the human body, then the same microbe cannot infect him again easily because our body already generated antibodies for that microbe after defending itself from the previous infection. The formation of the antibodies in active immunization is a natural; process.

Passive Immunization

Passive Immunization is the process of generating immunity inside the body using different synthetic elements. These elements help in the formation of antibodies against any specific microbe. Antibodies are used in the case of passive immunization.

Passive immunization is a very quick process. Using this process we can generate antibodies inside an organism’s body in a short time period. But with the passage of time, these antibodies get broken down automatically.

Bottom Words

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Define Immunization in microbiology
Define Immunization in microbiology

What are the two types of immunization?

There are two main types of immunization. These two types are divided on the basis of certain factors- The first one is active immunization and the other one is passive immunization.

What are the methods of immunization?

Immunization refers to providing protection against the infection of any foreign microbe by stimulating the immune system of an organism. There are different methods of immunization but the most effective one is through natural ways. In it, the immunity of an organism’s body is stimulated by eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

What is the important of immunization?

Immunization helps in protecting an organism’s body from infection-causing microbes. It helps in preventing different illnesses and also prevents vaccine-preventable diseases. It is done by stimulating the immune system of an organism through the process of Immunization. The best way to do immunization is by taking a nutritious diet.

What are three types of immunity?

The three main types of Immunity are- Adaptive Immunity, Active Immunity, Passive Immunity, and Innate Immunity. These three types of immunity have different specifications and features.

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