do you think pastoral community of the world can be affected by the incoming modern changes in the lifestyles

Q- Do you think pastoral community of the world can be affected by the incoming modern changes in the lifestyles?

Answer- Yes, pastoral community of the world were affected by the incoming modern changes in the lifestyle as the modern changes made both good and bad effect on pastorals.The good effect was that the pastorals get new modern ways to graze cattle and increase their standard of lifestyle. But the main bad effect was that the people who rear cattle or pastorals leave their

seasonal movement from one place to another in search of pastureland for their cattle this made a very big issue for them that how they would graze their animals if season changes and pasture disappears. As a result, in 2 years nearly half of the cattle died due to crisis or lack of pasture. That was the very serious incident of their history.

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