How are Plains important for country’s economy

Q- How are Plains important for country’s economy?

Answer- It is absolutely right that plains are very important for country’s economy as in case of India the Northern Plain is a vast region where all the rivers from mountains and hills deposits their minerals and other elements that makes the land of Northern Plains more fertile. This deposition of rivers in Northern plains have two main benefits. One is that it makes the soil of northern plain enough fertile to get high yield in small land through cultivation and second is that, the rivers flows several crucial elements and deposited them in northern plain. This work as mineral resource for the country. These all factors help in the economy of the country India.

The soil in the Northern Plain is enough fertile to cultivate rich harvest and this helped a lot in country’s economy. The Northern Plains of India is the only region where all the rivers and their tributaries deposit vast basin in the foothill of the Himalayas. 

We hope that the above answer is enough to tell you how are plains important for country’s economy. So if you can continue reading this article otherwise you can note the answer for the question. And if you have any other question in your brain so tell me in comment box. 

Keyword: how are plains important for country’s economy

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