How did the Mensheviks resist the protest of bolsheviks

Q- How did the Mensheviks resist the protest of Bolsheviks

Answer- The Mensheviks resist the protest of the Bolsheviks by taking some major actions. These are given below:

  • The Mensheviks resist the protest of the Bolsheviks by forming many committees in Industries who questions the Industrialists about the actual way they ran the factories. 
  • The Mensheviks formed many Trade Unions soldier’s committees in the army. 
  • In June month about 500 representatives of the Soviets were sent to an All Russian Congress of Soviets, as the provisional government saw the grip of the Bolsheviks become stronger so they finally decided to take stern measures against the widely spreading discontent.
  • The government arrested several popular leaders of the Bolsheviks as they held demonstrations against the provincial government.
  • Several troops were trained and sent by the provincial government to protect some very important government buildings such as telephones, telegraphs, winter palace, etc.
  • The provincial government seized two popular newspaper printing buildings of the Bolsheviks.

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 What is Bolshevik Revolution?

So, firstly we are starting with the Bolsheviks, and further, we will tell you about the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The Bolsheviks was a far-left, radical, revolutionary Marxist faction that was founded by Vladimir Lenin who was a very popular leader of the Russian Empire. The Bolsheviks were also known as Bolshevists in the English language but this name is used very rarely. Mostly the term ‘bolsheviks’ is used for it. The Bolsheviks formed their own part in Russia in the year 1912. After forming their own party on the year 1912, the Bolsheviks took all the powers into their hands during the October Revolution in the Russian Republic in November month of the year 1917.

how did the mensheviks resist the protest

After overthrowing the Provisional Government of Alexander Kerensky the bolsheviks became the only ruling party in subsequent Soviet Russia. Later subsequent Soviet Russia was renamed the Soviet Union. Before we move forward, we would like to tell you that all the content provided in this post is totally based on research on the Internet. So, you can also read more about it on the internet. So, the bolsheviks considered themselves as the leaders of the revolutionary proletariat of Russia. Their beliefs and practices were often referred to as Bolshevism.

Nevertheless, the Bolsheviks became increasingly popular among most of the workers of urban areas as well as the soldiers in Russia. After the February Revolution of the year 1917, they particularly after April, when Vladimir Lenin returned to the country, demanding immediate peace and that the workers’ councils, or Soviets, assume power. By October month the Bolsheviks had majorities in St. Petersburg as well as in Moscow Soviets. Later the Bolsheviks started spreading their rule very rapidly as they overthrew the Provisional Government, the Second Congress of Soviets approved the action and formally took control of the government.

The most important thing that you should remember about the bolsheviks is that just after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks refused to share power with other revolutionary groups, with the exception of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries. As they started suppressing all the rival political organizations. They changed their name regularly because of several different reasons. On march month of the year 1918, they change their name to the Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and then in December month of the year 1925, it was changed to All-Union Communist Party. In the year 1952, its name was changed once more to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This was done in October month of the year 1952. If you want to know how did the Mensheviks resist the protest of the bolsheviks? So, you can read some of the main measures from the answer given above.

How did the Mensheviks resist the protest of the bolsheviks?

As we told you in the above answer that the Mensheviks take several measures to resist the protest of the bolsheviks in the Russian Empire. Some of the main steps that the Mensheviks took to handle the protest of bolsheviks are as follow. These are all same as we provided in the above answer:

  • The Mensheviks resist the protest of the Bolsheviks by forming many committees in Industries that questions the Industrialists about the actual way they ran the factories.
  • In June month about 500 representatives of the Soviets were sent to an All Russian Congress of Soviets, as the provisional government saw the grip of the Bolsheviks become stronger so they finally decided to take stern measures against the widely spreading discontent.
  • The provincial government seized two popular newspaper printing buildings of the Bolshevik group.
  • Several troops were trained and sent by the provincial government to protect some very important government buildings such as telephones, telegraphs, winter palace, etc.
  • The Mensheviks formed many Trade Unions soldier’s committees in the army.
  • The government arrested several popular leaders of the Bolsheviks as they held demonstrations against the provincial government.

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