Is Oppo A54 and Oppo A52 size is same?

Yes, the Size of Oppo A54 and Oppo A52 are almost the same but not 100% because Oppo A54 is slightly bigger than Oppo A52 but the difference is very negligible so we can say that almost both smartphones are the same.

The size of the Oppo A54 smartphone is:
Length: 163.60 mm
Width: 75.70 mm
Height: 8.40 mm

Whereas the size of the Oppo A52 smartphone is:

Length: 162 mm
Width: 75.50
Height: 8.90 mm

Which one is better Oppo A54 or Oppo A52 smartphone?

According to our conclusion, we can say that Oppo A54 is better than Oppo A52 because when all the features of Oppo A54 are compared with the features and price of Oppo A52 so, this gives us the result that Oppo A54 smartphone is better than Oppo A52 smartphone.

Comparison of feature of Oppo A54 and Oppo A52 smartphone

  1. Oppo A54 smartphone works on Android v10.0 whereas Oppo A52 smartphone works on Android v10.
  2. Oppo A54 CPU is faster than CPU of Oppo A52 smartphone.
  3. In case of RAM memory Oppo A54 smartphone has less RAM as compared to Oppo A52 smartphone.
  4. In case of Slim, Oppo A54 is Slimmer than Oppo A52 that provide it more cool look as compared to Oppo A52 smartphone.
  5. The screen resolution of Oppo A54 smartphone is 1600×720 whereas in Oppo A52 smartphone the resolution of screen is about 1800×2400. In this case Oppo A52 has high screen resolution as compared to Oppo A54 smartphone.
  6. Oppo A54 smartphone has a front camera flash whereas Oppo A52 smartphone do not have any front camera flash that help user to take selfies in low light.
  7. Oppo A54 has Triple camera while Oppo A52 smartphone has Quad camera.
  8. Oppo A54 smartphone supports FM radip service whereas in Oppo A52 smartphones this feature is not available.
  9. Oppo A54 smartphone has 64 GB ROM storage while Oppo A52 smartphone has 128 GB ROM storage.

Which one of Oppo A54 and Oppo A52 smartphone you found better. Tell us in comment section below.

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