It was diagnosed that the body of a patient has lost the power of fighting an infection. Name the disease he is suffering from.

Q- It was diagnosed that the body of a patient has lost the power of fighting any infections. Name the disease he is suffering from. What type of microbe is responsible for this disease? How it spreads from one person to another?

Answer- In the case given above in the question we can determine that the disease could be Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome that is in short called as AIDS because in above case it is given that the patient or person who is suffering from disease has lost his or her power to defense against virus or any infection. So only AIDS is the diseases that makes the body enough weak so that it is unable to resist any infectious virus. AIDS mainly harms the immune system of human body and makes it very weak.

HIV virus or Human Immuno deficiency virus is responsible for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome that is in short called as AIDS. AIDS is a very harmful as well as dangerous disease as there is no any cure of this disease. This disease makes immune system of human body enough weak so that body cannot defense against any cough or cold germs.

AIDS is one of the sexually transmitting diseases that means AIDS is only spread through sexual contact in other words when two people did sexual contact so if anyone of those both is suffering from AIDS so in this case it transmit from one person to another. There is no any other means of spreading HIV virus that causes AIDS.

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