State any three measures taken by the provisional government to suppress the Bolshevik influence

Q- State any three measures taken by the provisional government to suppress the Bolshevik influence.

Answer- The three main measures that were taken by the provisional government to suppress the Bolshevik influence are as follows:

  1. Many soldiers were sent to take over telegrams and telephones offices and also to protect the Winter Palace.
  2. The Provincial Government in Russia took strict actions against the spreading of discontent all over the Russian Empire.
  3. The provisional government arrested and executed many bolsheviks leaders.

Class 9th Important Questions

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What are the measures taken by the Provisional Government to suppress the Bolshevik influence?

The Provisional Government sent troops to take over telegrams and telephones offices and also arrested several bolsheviks leaders. This all was done to make Bolsheviks group weaker and suppress the Bolsheviks influence.

State any three measures taken by provincial government to suppress the bolshevik influence

The Provisional government restricte spreading of discontent in alll over the Russia, Bolsheviks leaders were executed and several troops were sent to take over telegrams and telephones offices & protect Winter palace.

Tag- State any three measures taken by the provisional government to suppress the Bolshevik influence

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