what do you know about pastoralist community of africa

Q- What do you know about pastoralist community of Africa?


· Over half of the world pastoral population lives even still today over 22 million Africa people depends upon pastoral activities to live and fulfill their daily wages needs of livelihood

· There are many communities which were collected to called pastorals these communities were:- Bedounis, berbers, maasai, Somali, boran and turkana all of these are combined called as pastorals

· Their main occupation to run their livelihood is to rear cattle like goats, camels, sheep and donkey and sell milk, wool, animal skin and meat to earn by selling these things they spend their live

· Some of them in pastoral community are also farmers and some are traders and many of them also work in transport to earn money many of them also do odd jobs like wood selling, animal skin selling, meat selling and other pastoral activities to earn and fulfill their daily wages needs

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