What features formed the foundation for India’s democracy

Q- What features formed the foundation for India’s democracy?

Answer- There are several features that formed the foundation for India’s democracy but from all of them the three main features that formed the foundation for India’s democracy are:- 

  • The values that inspired and guided the freedom struggle and were then nurtured by it.
  • The value that helps in uniting the diverse population of India.
  • The value to treat each and every citizen of India equally and providing them equal rights before the law.

The three above values are the main features that formed the foundation of India’s democracy. So, that is it for this post guys if you have any other question in your mind regarding this topic or this subject so share it with us in comment box. Once you tell your doubt in comment box so we will review it and try to solve to problem. You can also your experience with our answer in comment box. But not only these three values are the man features that formed the foundation of India’s democracy. Along with them there are several fundamental right that helps to make India a democratic country. The fundamental rights that are made in India to make it a democratic country are given below and these rights are very necessary to make India a democratic country because without these fundamental rights India is no longer called a democratic republic.

  • Right against Exploitation
  • Right to Freedom
  • Freedom of Region
  • Cultural and Educational Right
  • Right to Constitutional Remedies
  • Right to Equality

Democracy is one of the best form of government as in it the ruler is elected by voting of common people this lead to choosing a ruler who can function the country properly and makes the country develop along with time. Some of the special features of democracy that makes it better than any other form of government are as follows:

  • In democracy the final decision taking right is given to the leader who is elected by people through voting to govern the country.
  • Democracy improves the quality of leader because in it the leaders were chosen by common people through election.
  • Democracy is more accountable an compared to any other form of government that makes it better than other forms of governments.
  • Democracy follows rule of “One person, One vote and One value” that helps in avoiding any kind of bad or wrong activity in elections to win the election. In elections there is an authority that is called as Election Commission This authority is made to keep watch on elections, whether they are held in free and fair manner or not. In case they found use of any cheating or wrong activity in election. So, this authority have right to withdraw the elections and held them again in free and fair manner.

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