what is density of population give India’s population distribution by density with the reasons responsible for the same

Q- What is density of population? Give India’s population distribution by density with the reasons responsible for the same.

Answer:- Density of population is calculated as number of persons per unit area. The population density of India in 2011 was 382 persons per sq. km.

(1) Regions with sparse population density: Rugged terrain and unfavorable climatic conditions is mostly responsible for space population to these areas like Jammu and Kashmir etc.

(2) Regions with moderate population density: Hilly dissected and rocky nature of terrain. Moderate to low rainfall, shallow and less fertile soils also effects the population.

(3)Regions with the high density of population: These areas have high population density because of the flat plains with fertile soils and abundant rainfall. For example northern plains and kerela.

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