Describe the events that led to the revolt in bastar against the british

Q- Describe the events that led to the revolt in Bastar against the British.

Answer- The main events that led to the revolt in Bastar against the British are as follows:

1. People began to discuss their issues in their village councils or bazars, wherever the headmen of several villages assembled.

2. Most of those who were attacked were associated with the British and their oppressive laws.

3. Bazars were looted, houses of officials and traders, schools and police stations were burnt and robbed, and grains redistributed.

4. Every village contribute something so the rebellion expense.

5. In 1910, mango boughs, a lump of Earth, chillies and arrows began circulating between villages. They were actually messages inviting villagers to rebel against the British.

6. Although there was no single leader but the Gunda Dhur from village Nethanar became an important figure.

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