Discuss how the life of pastoralists changed dramatically under the colonial rule

Q- Discuss how the life of pastoralists changed dramatically under the colonial rule?

Answer- The life of pastoralists changed dramatically under the colonial rule by the following ways:

· Pastoralists had to pay tax on every animal they graze on the pastures. In most pastoral tracts of India, grazing tax was introduced in mid 19th century. This tax per head of cattle went up rapidly and the system of collecting was made more efficient.

· The colonisers wanted nomadic tribe to live in villages, in fixed rights. Those who were settled were seen as peaceable and law abiding.

· The colonisers wanted to transform all grazing lands into cultivated farms. Land revenue was one of the main source of income for them. By expanding cultivation, it could increase the revenue collection. To the colonial people, all cultivated land appeared to be unproductive.

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