Discuss with the help of suitable example three ways in which micro-organisms can find entry into human body

Q- Discuss with the help of suitable examples three ways in which micro-organisms can find entry into human body.

Answer- There are several ways through which micro-organisms enter into human body. Some of them are as follows:

1. Germs can enter in human body through droplet infection. The diseases spread through droplet infection are pneumonia, whooping cough and tuberculosis.

2. Germs can enter in human body with the help of certain vectors. The diseases spread through vectors are Malaria, Dengue and sleeping sickness.

3. Germs can enter in human body by the medium of cuts and wounds on human skin. The bacteria spread through this medium are Tetanus bacteria. 

4. Germs can enter in human body through sexual contact. These diseases are called as sexually transmitting diseases. The diseases spread through sexual contact are AIDS and Syphilis.

5. Germs can enter in human body by the medium of food and water. If anyone consume contaminated food or water so gems enter in his or her body that harms their health. The diseases spread through this medium are: cholera, typhoid e.t.c. .

6. Germs can enter in human body by the medium animal bite. The diseases spread through this medium are: Rabies e.t.c. .

7. Germs can enter in human body by the medium of direct contact. If any healthy person came in contact with any infected person so the germs from infected person’s body move into body of healthy person. 

The diseases spread through this medium are: Ringworm, Chickenpox, measles e.t.c. .

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