Draw a neat and labelled diagram of areolar connective tissue

Q- Draw a neat and labeled diagram of areolar connective tissue.

Answer- Here is a very Easy way to draw labelled diagram of areolar connective tissue. You can watch this video to draw complete labelled diagram of areolar connective tissue.

Here is little bit description of Areolar Connective tissue that you can read for your knowledge.

Areolar Connective tissue is one of the most abundant form of collagenous connective tissue. These tissues found beneath the epidermis layer. They are made up of cells and some extracellular fluid. This tissue specially found in elongated, small bundles that are separated by regions that contain ground substance. We all knows that each tissue in our body have their on specific function that they performs. In the same manner the specific function that areolar connective tissue performs is to bind an support other tissues in the body of organism. It also helps in preventing any kind of infection by defending the microbe of any disease. It also makes body more elastic and helps it in withstand pulling pain.
You can understand the functioning of areolar connective tissue very easily through an example that I am going to show you below. 
When any part of body get inflamed so areolar connective tissue started soaking up the excessive fluid that is present in affected area that makes it puffy in nature. This is the functioning of areolar connective tissue to make condition called as Ederna. 



Keyword: draw a neat and labelled diagram of areolar connective tissue


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