Elist the characters of pteridophytes in which these are advanced than the bryophytes but are simpler than the spermatophytes

Q- Enlist the characters of pteridophytes in which these are advanced then the Bryophytes but are simpler then the Spermatophytes (Gymnosperms and Angiosperms).

Answer- The main characters of advancement of the Pteridophytes over Bryophytes are:

1. Plant body is saprophyte and is differentiated in true stem, leaves and roots.

2. The vascular bundle that includes xylem and phloem tissue is present. 

3. The spores are formed inside the sporangia which are generally grouped in either sori or strobili.

Points that shows the primitiveness of Pteridophyes as compared to Gymnosperms:

1. Pteridophyes are seedless plants that do not have flowers.

2. Saprophytes for sometime is depended upon gametophyes.

3. These include herbaceous and small sized plants.

4. These plants are depended on water for reproduction for fertilization.

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