Give an account of the distribution of Tropical rain forest in India why are they commonly found in the southern part of India

Q- Give an account of the distribution of Tropical Rain Forest in India. Why are they commonly found in Southern part of India?

Answer- The Tropical Rain Forests are restricted to heavy rain. These forests are found in areas which receives heavy rainfall which is above 200 cms. Since this region is warm and wet throughput the year. It has luxuriant vegetation of all kinds- trees, shrubs and creeper giving it a multilayered structure. The trees of Tropical Rain Forest reach an average height of about 60 metres or even above. 

There is no definite time for the trees to shed their leaves. As such, these forests appear green throughout the year. 

Some of the commercially important trees of these forests are: Ebony, Mohagany, rosewood, rubber and cinchona. Common animals of these forests are: Lemur, Monkey, Deer, Elephants.

The Tropical Rain Forest are commonly found in Southern part of India because the southern part of India receives heavy rainfall which is suitable for these forest.

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