How do poriferan animals differ from coelenterate animals

Q- How do poriferan animals differ from coelenterate animals?

Answer- Poriferan:

1. Poriferan animals are cellular in structure of their body organization. 

2. The peculiar cells in poriferan are collar cells which are present in gastral layer.

3. Poriferan animals have a spongocoel body cavity.

4. The larval form of Poriferan animals is amphiblastula.


1. Coelenterate animals are formed of tissue in structure of their body organization. 

2. The peculiar cells in coelenterate are cnidoblasts which are present in epidermis layer.

3. Coelenterate animals have a coelenteron body cavity.

4. The larval form of Coelenterate animals is Planula.

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