How is a prokaryotic cell different from a Eukaryotic cell

Q- How is a prokaryotic cell different from Eukaryotic cell?

Answer- Prokaryotic cell:

1. Prokaryotes are found in kingdom Monera.

2. Prokaryotic cells have a false or diffused nucleus.

3. In prokaryotic cells very less number of cell organelles are found.

4. The ribosomes of prokaryotic cell is 70 S.

5. Cyclosis does not occur in prokaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic Cell:

1. Eukaryotes are found in kingdom Protista.

2. Eukaryotic cells have a true or non-diffused nucleus.

3. In Eukaryotic cells all the cell organelles are present.

4. The ribosomes of Eukaryotic cell is 80 S.

5. Cyclosis occurs in Eukaryotic cells.

Easy way to draw labelled diagram of Prokaryotic cell:

Easy way to draw labelled diagram of Eukaryotic cell:

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