How many times did you fall ill in the last one year? what were the illnesses? (a) Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any or/most of above illnesses

Q- How many times did you fall ill in the last one year? What were the illnesses?

(a) Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any or/most of above illnesses.

(b) Think of one change you would wish for in your surrounding in order to avoid any or/most of the above illnesses.

Answer- At last one year I fall ill about 4 times. The illnesses with changes in habits and surrounding that should be done to prevent them are as follows:

1. Malaria: 

Changes in habits that should be done to prevent Malaria:

Avoid sleeping in place with mosquitoes. Use net or use a mosquito repellent.

Changes in surrounding that should be done to prevent Malaria:

Filling of water filled pits with well or spraying of kerosene oil on water surface.

2. Jaundice:

Changes in habits that should be done to prevent Jaundice:

Proper coverage of eatables and proper washing of vegetables and fruits should be done.

Changes in surrounding that should be done to prevent Jaundice:

Our surrounding should be neat and clean.

3. Chickenpox:

Changes in habits that should be done to prevent Chickenpox:

Do not come in contact with infected person.

Changes in surrounding that should be done to prevent Chickenpox:

There should be proper sterilization of clothes of an infected person.

4. Cholera:

Changes in habits that should be done to prevent Cholera:

Cholera vaccine or proper coverage of eatable should be done.

Changes in surrounding that should be done to prevent Cholera:

Heaps of waste should be avoided as these act as breeding sites of vectors.

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