How to quickly find new blog post ideas

How to quickly find new blog post ideas:

Sometimes I get stuck and run out of ideas to write a new blog post. The idea for blog posts does not always come automatically, ideas are generated by experience. I have a lot of technical stuff to blog about and make money from blogging, but there are ways to generate ideas fast and start writing new posts on your blog.

I will share with you the methods of generating ideas quickly and writing new blog posts every day. It is important to write more high quality articles on our blog to make more money from blogging.

Generate new blog post ideas

I think most bloggers struggle to come up with new ideas for writing new content for their blog. When you run out of ideas, you sit down at your computer, stare blankly at the screen, and wonder what should I write for my blog today? Sometimes, if we’re lucky, ideas pop up, but most of the time staring at the screen gets us nowhere, wasting our time and not writing anything at all.

Read other blogs

Normally what I do when I run out of ideas, I will start reading other blogs. I will read blogs related to my blog but sometimes I will read gadgets or lifestyle blogs. Definitely reading blogs that are closely related to my blog is a good way to generate ideas but sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the information and get too tired to come up with new ideas for my blog. So I end up reading gadgets and lifestyle blogs to relax and keep up with new gadgets and experience other blogger lifestyles.

Sometimes ideas suddenly come to my mind when I read blogs and I find it interesting because the ideas come to mind more often when I read gadgets and lifestyle blogs.

Add a twist to create new blog posts

When ideas come up I’ll normally add a twist and guess what, I have a new blog post idea.

How to turn the idea into a new blog post

Example: Android Smartphone Roundup November Edition

I will suddenly have ideas and turn them into something like

“Make Money With Blog Publishers’ Programs Overview”

“Comparison of the best blogs”

“Daily blog activity vs daily traffic”

This is how to get new blog post ideas for my blog. You can also try to do the same.

Save time to brainstorm new ideas

Sometimes it’s good to set aside time to brainstorm ideas. I’ll sit down, search the blogs for books, then start reading. I will find ideas in books. It’s a great way to generate ideas because keywords in books also give me ideas for writing new articles.

Some keywords that appear in the books help me generate ideas for my new blog posts. this method is also very effective.

Rest for a day or two

If you really can’t think of something to write down, it’s best to give yourself a day or two to rest. After a good rest, you can again continue your blogging journey with all the power. Rest for a day or two before continuing to blog, that’s good. It wouldn’t be good to rush ideas and produce an ineffective blog post. Doing so will give your blog readers a bad impression. So if you need a rest, rest and continue the next day.


So these are the methods I use to get ideas for new blog posts on my blog. It’s pretty easy and I can generate a lot of fresh blog content for my blog. Learn more about blogging.

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