10 Natural Ways to Increase Breast size

Every female has a desire to have big breasts as it provides an attractive look to their body. If you have small breasts and you are worried about their small size so in this article we will provide you with some natural ways to increase breast size quickly.

We are not going to promote any kind of medicine in this article because we all know that medicines have several side effects on your health.

Firstly, it is very necessary for you to know the exact reason behind the growth of breasts. So, the exact reason behind the increase in breast size is puberty. If you are a teenager so it is the time when your body touches puberty or secondary growth started in your body.

You can understand this point through an example: You may have noticed that in teens age (13 to 19 years) when you and your friends hit puberty so, some of your friend’s breasts grow quickly and some still have small breasts. So, this is because of puberty.

natural ways to increase breast size
Natural ways to increase breast size

10 Natural Ways to Increase Breast size

1. Do Bench Press Exercise: To increase your breast size naturally bench press is one of the most working exercises. In it, you have to follow the following steps to do the bench press perfectly.

  • Take a bench and lay down on it keeping your feet firmly on the ground. Take such a position so that your head is directly underneath the bar.
  • Now try to press your upper back region into the bench.
  • Reach up and start to unrack the bar. Keep your arms straight as you bring the weight up over your chest directly.
  • Now take a deep breath and lower the bar to your chest until it touches.

2. Sex/Masturbation: It was scientifically proven that when you are having sexual intercourse or you are masturbating so, it increases sensation, arousal, heart rate, and blood pressure in your body. There are many pieces of evidence that show that when you are having passionate sex so the blood flow in your breast increases by 25 percent and your breast size gets increased. If you want natural ways to increase breast size so you should try to make sexual intercourse or masturbation more passionate.

While Sex/Masturbation the blood flow gets increased in the breast which leads to an increase in their size. To get better results, we recommend you to use more lubricant as it increases the pleasure & release of estrogen hormone.

NOTE: If you are pregnant so your breast size got increased automatically because of the release of hormones but after delivery, the breast takes its actual size. Here is a guide for pregnant women that will help you with what you should do and what you should not do during pregnancy. Click Here if you want some natural ways to increase breast size at home. So, continue reading this post. We are telling you further natural ways to increase breast size.

3. Gain/Loss Weight: Several studies proved that the tissues that are responsible for breast size are fat tissue. So, your weight or fat level matters in the size of your breast. We are not suggesting to you that you should increase your weight but we are advising you to take food items with fat but in a big quantity. And do exercise regularly so that you might avoid becoming fatty.

If you are fatty or a victim of obesity so we have some tips for you that will help you to increase your physical as well as sexual stamina. So, If you want to increase your physical as well as sexual stamina. So, you can check it out.

4. Do an Incline dumbbell fly workout: To do an incline dumbbell workout follow the steps given below:

  • Take a dumbbell and hold it in your hand with your arms straight and palms facing each other.
  • Keep your chest up and slightly bent your elbows.

5. Purchase a Perfect Bra: Yes! it is correct that the size of your bra matters in the size of your breast. If you are wearing a very tight bra so this might affect your breast size and if you are wearing a loose bra so this makes your breasts look saggy. That is why we suggest that you should purchase a new bra for your breasts that is perfect for you and should be comfortable to wear. If you want some natural ways to increase breast size so, you must have to do these things.

6. Try Decline Chest Press: You should do daily all the exercises that we told you in this article. This workout is also very helpful to increase breast size naturally at home. Follow these points to decline chest press:

  • Put a bench at a 30 to 40-degree angle.
  • Lye flat on the bench by keeping your feet fixed in the pads.
  • Take a position such that your head is directly underneath the bar.
  • Now try to press your upper back region into the bench.
  • Take a deep breath and lower the bar towards your chest until they touched each other.

7. Do some special workouts: Here we have provided you with some special workouts that are helpful in increasing your breast size naturally at home. You can learn more about these workouts on the internet. The specific workouts to increase breast size naturally are as follows:

  • Wall Presses
  • Push-ups
  • Chest press extensions
  • Cobra Pose
  • Cat-Cow Pose
  • Plank exercise
  • Child’s Pose
  • Try to do Crunches
  • Green Leafy vegetables
  • Soy

8. Do Breast Massage: Breast massage is one of the best tricks to increase your breast size naturally. You can take help from anyone for massage or you can do it yourself. We suggest you do breast massage yourself.

To do breast massage only you have to take any oily cream or any oil on hand that could work as a lubricant. Then rub it over your breasts. While rubbing your creamy hands you should try to feel horny. Rub it 10 to 20 times and press them along with rubbing, roll your hand over them, and do massage in a pumping motion.

While rubbing breasts try to join them slightly this gives you a passionate stimulus and helps you to become horny. Keep in mind that the more you get passionate during a massage increases your chances of breast growth.

You can also watch such videos that make you sexually passionate or horny. Because if you feel more passionate so your brain started releasing hormones that help in your secondary growth, especially breast growth.

NOTE: Do not do breast massage for a long time or with more power because this may lead to swelling, sagging breasts, sensitivity problems, etc.

9. Eat these food items to increase breast size: There are some food items that will help you to increase breast size naturally at home. We recommend you try eating all the food items that we suggest to you in the list given below. These all food items have different-different components that will help you in increasing breast size. These food items also help in increasing your stamina.

  • Papaya
  • Milk
  • Fennel Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Soybean
  • Flax seeds
  • Almond Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Seafood
  • Chicken
  • Lean meat
  • Red Lentils
  • Whole Grains

10. Change your walking Style: Your walking style has a very big impact on your breast look. We suggest you walk in a good posture to improve your walking style. Follow the steps given below:

  • Stand with your head up and try to stand in such a way that your chest should be slightly out.
  • Move with your neck up straight.
  • Try to Push your chest gently outside so that your breasts could look bigger and help you in providing an attractive look.


The Conclusion of this article is that if you want some natural ways to increase breast size so, the perfect methods are given above and the most working method to increase breast size naturally is to do the workouts that we mentioned above and also try breast massage.

We are suggesting these things to you because these activities increase estrogen as well as some other hormones in your body that help in increasing your breast size.

Disclaimer: Through this article, our motive is not to promote any kind of bad activity. We are only telling you some ways that will help you in increasing your breast size. It’s your choice whether you have to follow these steps or not. This article is for educational purposes only.

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