What is Causal organism for swine flu

Q- what is causal organism for swine flu?

Answer- Swine flu is one of the most harmful diseases. At early time this disease leads to death of several people and in some counties swine flu created pandemic as it is a viral disease in other words swine flu spreads due to a virus so it spread from one person to another very quickly. As per the question asked the main causal organism for swine flu is H1N1 virus. This is the virus that causes swine flu.

Some of the most well known years that gives evidence of swine flu in past are:

1. In year 2009 there is a huge pandemic due to swine flu in whole world.

2. In year 1977 there is a huge pandemic in Russia. Several people died due to swine flu as there is no cure of this disease at that time. 

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