What is Vaccine? how it provides immunity against disease

Q- What is Vaccine? How it provides immunity against disease?

Answer- A vaccine is a kind of medicine that is injected into a person’s body. It helps in generating or forming antibodies against a specific disease. The vaccine is made for a particular disease and it generates antibodies against that disease. A vaccine when injected inside the human body. It starts generating antibodies against the disease.

Explanation- Now according to the question, a vaccine is a kind of medicine that helps in generating antibodies against a particular disease.

Once a person is vaccinated so there are very less or no chances of the microbe of that disease surviving in the body of that person and making him or her ill. Vaccines work as a weapon for our bodies to defend against a particular disease.

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A vaccine is a kind of medicine that is made for preventing any specific disease which cannot be treated by normal medicines. Vaccines are generally discovered for some very dangerous diseases.

How do vaccines provide immunity to disease?

A vaccine helps in generating antibodies against the microbe of any specific disease. Different diseases have different vaccines so these vaccines help in stimulating the immune system of organisms and provide immunity to disease.

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