What type of macromolecule is an enzyme?

Question- What type of macromolecule is an Enzyme?

Answer- An enzyme is basically a protein type of macromolecule. It is a kind of biological molecule which is typically a protein that significantly helps in speeding up the rate of all the chemical reaction that takes place within the cell.

We hope after reading the above answer you will understand what type of macromolecule is an enzyme. So, an enzyme is a kind of Macromolecule that is typically a protein.

That is it for today’s article if you want to learn more about What type of macromolecule is an enzyme, and what are enzymes as well as macromolecules so you can move on further because in below article we are going to tell you about enzymes and macromolecules.

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We hope you may definitely find it interesting and helpful for you because this will help you to understand the answer of what type of macromolecules are enzymes that we provided you at the beginning of this post.


Enzymes are basically protein macromolecules that significantly help in speeding up the rate of all the chemical reactions taking place inside the cell. We can also say enzymes are a kind of protein that works as biological catalysts.

They help in accelerating the biological as well as chemical activities inside the cell. All the biological processes that are held within the cells are called chemical reactions.

Without enzymes, it is not possible for regulating all these chemical reactions to site the cell at the proper time.

Enzymes are not only responsible for accelerating chemical processes inside the cell because they also have a valuable role in industrial as well as medical industries. You can read the other uses of Enzyme below.

The enzymes do their function at the proper time and at the proper factors but there are some things that affect the metabolism of these enzymes or the activity of these enzymes.

We will talk about it in the next heading but before it, you need to understand the chemical nature of enzymes.

So here we are going to talk about the chemical nature of enzymes in the next heading.

What type of Macromolecule is an Enzyme

An Enzyme is a protein kind of Macromolecule that performs certain functions inside the cell. We all know macromolecules are a kind of molecule that have a larger number and size of atoms as compared to the size of an ordinary molecule.

All the Macromolecules are enough big that they have a diameter ranging from 100 to 10000 angstrom. Macro molecules are not enough big in size but as compared to ordinary molecules, It is considered macro.

what type of macromolecule is an enzyme
what type of macromolecule is an enzyme

Chemical Nature of Enzymes

There are different ancient and new theories on enzymes. The theories which are off before the 1980s prove that enzymes are only forms of proteins. But according to the current theories, there are some other enzymes that are not proteins.

A big protein and sign molecule is basically composed of one or more kinds of amino acid chains. These chains are also called polypeptide chains. The sequence of amino acids helps in determining the characteristic folding patterns of that protein’s structure. This structure of the enzyme is subjected to its specificity.

Factors affecting the activity of Enzymes

As we told you earlier that there are some factors that affect the activity of enzymes inside the cell. These factors are given below one by one so you should read them all very carefully.

  1. Some allosteric controls can involve the inhibition of the activities of enzymes.
  2. Competitive inhibition is also a factor that affects the activity of enzymes. When molecules are very similar to the substrate molecules which are bound to the active site and that prevents binding of the actual substrate in it. You can easily understand it through an example that is penicillin. Basically, penicillin is a Competitive inhibitor that blocks the active site of an enzyme that was used by many bacterias to construct the cell wall of a particular cell.
  3. The noncompetitive inhibitor is a kind of inhibitor that binds to the enzyme at a location which is other than the active site. It inhibits the activity of enzymes. Noncompetitive inhibition is a latter type of noncompetitive inhibition.

Uses of Enzymes

  • Enzymes help in accelerating the biological as well as chemical activities inside the cell.
  • Enzymes help in the fermentation of wine
  • Enzymes help in the leavening of bread
  • Enzymes help in the brewing of beer.
  • Enzymes help in the process of curdling cheese
  • Enzymes help in killing disease-causing microbes. 
  • Enzymes also help in promoting wound healing as well as diagnosing certain diseases.

Difference between Enzymes and Protein

S. No.EnzymesProteins
1.Enzymes are specific types of provinceAll proteins are not enhanced.
2.Enzymes help in regulating different kinds of biochemical reactions inside the cell.Proteins are the macromolecules of amino acids that are the basis of cells and living things.
3.Enzymes are only functional in natureProteins are both functional as well as structural.
4.All the macro molecular enzymes are globular proteins.Other than enzymes, the proteins are either fibrous or globular in nature.
5.Enzymes also help in other industries such as the medical and industrial sectors.Proteins differ from Enzymes in this case.

Now it’s enough to learn about Enzymes so now we are going to tell you about macromolecules. This is also very important for you to understand because it is a very big topic in biology.


Macromolecules are a kind of molecule that have a much larger number of atoms than an ordinary molecule.

Macromolecules are enough big that they have a diameter ranging from 100 to 10000 angstrom.

Macromolecules are not enough big in size but as compared to ordinary molecules, It is considered macro.


We hope all of you found this article very helpful. This article is based on what type of macromolecule is an enzyme. In this post, we told you about several other correlated topics that will help you a lot in understanding what type of macromolecule is an enzyme.

Here we told you about Enzymes, the chemical nature of Enzymes, Factors that affect the activities of enzymes, the uses of enzymes, the difference between enzymes and proteins, and macromolecules.

The macromolecules are not a very big topic and there is no more need to explain them in detail. That is why we told you about macromolecules in a little brief.

So, If you have any queries or questions then share them with us through the comments below. We will reach out to you with a reasonable response as soon as possible.

What kind of macromolecule is in an enzyme?

Enzymes are basically proteins kind of macromolecules that significantly work for accelerating the rate of all the chemical reactions that took place inside the cell. In other words, we can also say that enzymes are a kind of protein that works as biological catalysts inside the cell.

what type of macromolecule is an enzyme

Among the four protein types of macromolecules is an enzyme. In other words, we can say that enzymes are the protein type of macromolecules that help in certain functions inside the cell. The main role of the enzyme is to accelerate the chemical reactions inside the cell.

What is the name of the enzyme?

Basically, there are different names for the enzymes but the most common thing among them is that most of the enzymes are protein macromolecules and they help in speeding up all the biochemical reactions inside the cell.

what kind of macromolecule is an enzyme?

Enzymes are formed of molecules that have a much larger number of atoms than ordinary molecules. That is why enzymes are macromolecules. The size of the enzyme is not too big but it is larger in size as compared to any ordinary molecule.

what type of macromolecule are enzymes

Enzymes are mainly composed of proteins so they are basically proteinous in nature. Their role is to accelerate the rate of chemical reaction in the cell. Most of the part in enzymes is formed of protein and it works as a catalyst inside the cell to perform certain roles in it.

What kind of compound are enzymes?

Enzymes are a compound that has a high molecular weight and is mostly formed of protein. The structural formula of enzymes is formed by chains of amino acids which are linked together by peptide bonds.

What are the types of enzymes?

There are six main types of enzymes- Translocases, oxidoreductases, lyases, Isomerases, transferases, hydrolases, and ligases. This classification of enzymes in different categories is based on certain factors.

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