why 82°30ˊE has been as the standard meridian of India

Q- Why 82°30ˊE has been as the standard meridian of India?

Answer- 82°30ˊE has been as the standard meridian of India because of the following reasons:

1. India’s standard time is derived from such a central meridian. The minimum difference of time between two consecutive standard meridians should be half an hour.

2. India needs a Standard Time because India is a large country which id divide by zone as well as Tropic of cancer divides India into almost two equal parts. Due to which there is a time lag between some of the state of India. 

3. India a large country which id divided by Tropic of Cancer in almost two equal areas that leads to difference in the size of day and night in several states of India.

4. 82°30ˊE has been as the standard meridian of India because it is uniform for all over India.

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