why balanced diet is necessary for maintaining healthy body

Q- Why balanced diet is necessary for maintaining healthy body?

Answer- It is absolutely right that balanced diet is very necessary for maintain the healthy body. The balanced diet is enough to provide proper nutrition to body to work and function properly. And it is very necessary for everyone to maintain proper health as a healthy person can do his or her work with proper concentration and without disturbance. Healthy people have a healthy immune system that provides him or her protection or resistance against diseases. 

Immune system is that antibody in our body that protects our self from germs of various diseases. If anyone has weak immune system, so there may be more chances of disease catching him or her as compared to one with a strong immune system. Immunity of our body is the only shield that protects our body from various gems that enters our body through various hole of our body from environment.

Immune system is formed of T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. B-lymphocytes produce antibodies that fight against pathogenic micro-organisms which enters the blood and lymph, while T-lymphocytes actually kill the pathogenic micro-organisms. In these ways immune system is essential for our health.

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