Why didn’t Stalin’s policy of collectivisation yield immediate results? Explain reasons

Q- Why didn’t Stalin’s policy of collectivisation yield immediate results? Explain reasons.

Answer- There was criticism on the consequences of collectivisation of farms. Stalin and his supporters changed their critics with conspiracy against socialism as a result over two million people were either in prison or labour camps. After it, a large number of these people were executed as they were blamed to make false confessions.

These people were tortured too much in execution. Many of the people who were punished in execution were talented as well as professionals. Stalin’s policy of collectivisation does not yield immediate results because of several factors. Some of t main factors that are behind not getting immediate results of Stalin’s policy of collectivisation are given below:

  • Stalin introduced a policy to do collectivisation of farms to solve the shortage of grain but there were many small land holders  who are not agree for this collectivisation policy of stalin that made this plan not become enough successful.
  • At that time Stalin decided to eliminate kulaks to establish state control over farms but this could not be possible as several small land holder were not agree with it.
  • Stalin introduced a new term kolkhoz for the collective farms. These collective farms were to be cultivated by different farmers collectively but because of many land issue this could not be possible.



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Here your answer is ended. We hope that this answer might be very useful for you if yes so tell us in the comment section given at bottom of this post and you can also share your doubts with us in the comments. In the above lines, we told you to answer one of the most asked questions in exams that is why didn’t Stalin’s policy of collectivisation yield immediate results explain reasons that are of class 9th social science.

Before telling anything more we would like to say you to follow our blog now for more helpful posts. If you want to gain more knowledge regarding Stalin’s policy of colectivisation. So, you can read the paragraph given below. These might be very informative and interesting for you:

Stalin’s policy of collectivization

After the emancipation of serfs, the Soviet Union implemented a collectivisation policy of the lands that are under the agriculture sector. This was done between the year 1928 to the year 1940. This policy of collectivisation was introduced by Joseph Stalin who aimed to integrate all the agricultural and small landholders into state-controlled farms that were called kolkhozy and Sovkhozy.

Stalin believed that if the policy of collectivisation became successful so this will solve the grain shortage of the country. But the situation started becoming worst as the small landholders were not agreed to this policy. This made the implementation of Stalin’s policy of collectivisation not much successful. At that time there was a very popular party that was the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This party found collectivisation as the best remedy for all the problems related to private agriculture. As it was the ruling part of the whole Soviet union so, the decision of this party is very necessary to be followed.

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union was the bolshevik fraction of another party of Russia that was the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. This fraction that gives origin to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is caused due by the split between the followers of Vladimir Lenin and Julius Marlov of the year 1903. 



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