Why should ministers have the final say in technical matters

Q- Why should ministers have the final say in technical matters?

Answer- In a democratic country, the common people are the supreme power. In it, the citizens have the right to vote and choose a representative as their ruler. That is why in a democratic country the final say is of ministers as they are representatives of the public and we all know that in a democratic country the people are the supreme power. That is why ministers have the final say in technical matters.

In the above answer, we tell you about why should ministers have the final say in technical matters. So, the main reason behind it is that ministers are chosen by common people and in democracy is people’s rule. That is why ministers have the final say in all technical matters in a democratic country. We hope that you got it properly. If yes so we would like to provide you some important questions. That you should learn for examination as these questions are very important in your syllabus.

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Let’s talk about one of the most important topics of class 9th social science that is democracy. In the lines given below, we are providing you complete detailed information about democracy. So you should read it very carefully to understand each and everything.

Democracy is a word that means the rule of common people and this complete system of ruling a country is based on the supremacy of common people. The word democracy is derived from the Greek word ‘dēmokratia’ which was coined from dēmos that means “people” and Kratos which means “rule”.  It is a form of government in which the ruler is chosen by the common people through election. In it, the elections are held regularly after a specific time period. There are proper rights and equal freedom for all people and no one can be denied from taking part in elections. Democracy is the only form of government that provides a deserving ruler to the country and equality among common people. These specialties of democracy made it very common in several countries. Today most of the countries are democratic republics. Now we hope that you understood that what is democracy and now we are going to talk about the types of democracy and their variants.

Types of Democracy:

There are several types of democracy but here we are only talking about the main types of democracy and also some variants of democracy. In the next paragraph, we are going to talk about them all in little brief. So, the main types of democracy are given below:

1. Direct Democracy

2. Representative democracy

3. Parliamentary democracy

4. Presidential democracy


1. Direct Democracy: Direct democracy is a type of democracy in which the citizens have the right to participate directly in process of decision making. In it, the citizens can take decisions on their own without any intermediary representative. It is a kind of political system that provide some major powers to the common people:

  • Common people have the right to change constitutional laws.
  • People have the right to give binding orders to elective officials such as: Initiating a lawsuit in case any representative was breaking any campaign promise.
  • Citizens have the right to put the referendum in political decisions.

2. Representative Democracy: Representative Democracy is a kind of democracy in which all the government officials were chosen by the people who were being represented. The common feature in democracy and representative democracy is that the representative is been chosen on the basis of the majority of votes. This type of democracy is mostly used in western countries.

3. Parliamentary Democracy: When we talk about parliamentary democracy, it is a kind of system in which the government is made by representatives and these representatives have full right to dismiss that government from the rule. In this political system, the president is elected by the common people and is the head of both states as well as government. In this system, the Prime minister has not much importance as he or she can be easily removed from his or her seat if he or she was not performing their functions properly.

4. Presidential Democracy: In this political system the president is chosen through the election and n this election each and every citizen has the right to vote. Most of the executive powers of the nation are given to the president. In other words, the president is the head of both central as well as state governments. The name of this type of political system is given on behalf of the president as in this system most of the powers are given to the president and a semi-presidential system that includes both Prime ministers as well as President.


Variants of Democracy:

There are fourteen main variants of democracy. We are providing you a complete list of the variants of democracy one by one. This list might be very useful for you to learn more about other forms of government except for democracy.

  • Republic: In this system, a ruler such as Prime Minister or President is appointed through elections and he or she has the power to rule over the nation. This is just like monarchy but the main difference is that in it the ruler is elected by common people through election.
  • Socialist: In it, there are different views of democracy, such as democratic socialism, social democracy and the dictatorship of the proletariat. There are several socialists who believe in an economic and workplace democracy along with representative democracy.
  • Constitutional Monarchy: In a Constitutional monarchy, the ruler is the monarch of the nation but he or she performs all the functions of the country on the basis of the constitution. This type of ruling system is used in several foreign countries. So of the examples of countries that have constitutional monarchy are Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Thailand, Japan, Bhutan, and other Scandinavian countries.
  • Supranational: The system of supranational allocates votes to the member states in parts that are based on the population of voters. This variant of democracy is a little bit similar to representative democracy but there are some differences between them that we will cover in any other article.
  • Participatory politics: Participatory politics is a kind of theoretical form of democracy. It is ruled by Nested council structure. 
  • Creative democracy
  • Inclusive: Inclusive is a system and political project that aims for direct democracy in the majority of the fields of social life. The idea of a theoretical project on the topic of inclusive democracy emerged from the work of a popular political philosopher Takis Fotopoulos. In inclusive democracy, the basic unit is of demotic assembly. Today in the time of modernization. The Inclusive democracy can take the place of a confederal democracy that is totally based on the network of the administrative council.
  • Anarchist: This system is just the same as direct democracy. Most of the rules of the Anarchist ruling system are the same as direct democracy. Anarchist is not an important variant of democracy so we are not going to discuss it anymore. We recommend you to read further variants of democracy.
  • Sortition: Sortition is the system in which the representative is elected with the satisfaction and consent of common people but the process of election is not involved in it because there might be chances of use of any malpractice in the election. So, to avoid the use of any kind of malpractice in the election sortition system was made. In it, the representative is elected on the agreement of the majority of the people. If most of the people are agreeing to make a particular person their representative. So, he or she is made their representative. The Sortition is also called as ‘No election democracy’.
  • Consociational democracy: The consociational democracy allows simultaneous majority votes in two or more ethno-religious constituencies, and policies are enacted only if they gain majority support from both or all of them. This system divides democracy on the basis of ethnic, linguistic, or religious lines.
  • Consensus democracy: In Consensus democracy, the ruling party is chosen on the basis of support of majority and minority. If any party gained the majority of the support of that part can rule the country but they had to ruler the nation with respect to the rights of minorities.
  • Guided democracy: Guided democracy is a kind of system to run any country’s political system. This system helps in incorporating the regular popular elections. There is a central authority that is called the supreme power of the nation. Russian style of the democratic system is also called as Guided democracy. If you don’t know what is Russian-style democracy. So, we will soon publish an article on it for you. If you want an article on it so tell in the comment box.
  • Liberal democracy: Liberal Democracy refers to a kind of democracy in which the representative is elected by common people through the process of election and the decision making power is also provided to that representative but in this system, it is possible for some large scale decisions to get emerged from some decisions of individual people.
  • Cosmopolitan: Cosmopolitan is a kind of democracy that is applied on a global scale. That’s why Cosmopolitan democracy is also known as Global democracy. In Cosmopolitan democracy, the governing power is either given to representatives or directly governed on the global scale. Another name of Cosmopolitan democracy in World Federalism. This form of democracy is promoted by several popular people such as Albert Einstein, Daniele Archibugi, David held, George Monbiot, Kurt Vonnegut, etc. We hope you might know all of them well.



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