how was forests conservation carried out by the Asian and African countries later on

Q- How was forests conservation carried out by the Asian and African countries later on?

Answer- The forests conservation carried out by the Asian and African countries later on by the following steps:

1. Conservation of forests rather than collecting timber became a more important goal.

2. Local forest communities and environmentalists are thinking of different forms of forests management. Many movements like the ‘Chipko movement’ were started to save trees from the ruthless cutting down for commercial purposes.

3. In many cases, such as from Mizoram to Kerala, dense forests have survived only because villages protected them in ‘sacred groves’.

4. Some villages have been patrolling their own forests, with each household talking it in turns, instead of leaving it to the forest guards.

5. The government realized that in order to meet this goal, the people who live near the forests must be involved.

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