state the main events leading to the february revolution in petrograd

Q- State the main events leading to the February Revolution in Petrograd?

Answer- The main events leading to the February Revolution in Petrograd are as follows:

1. The Rich and poor were divided through a river Neva. In it the left bank of Neva River there was several beautiful buildings such as white house, Duma e.t.c. and in right there were poor factory workers and labourers quarters.

2. In February 1917, there was a big shortage of food grain in workers’ quarters. 

3. On 22 February 1917, a lockout took place in factory leading of workers strike. In other factories the workers and women led strike that day was known an ‘The International Women’s Day’.

3. The workers ultimately crossed the river Neva and surrounded all the official building for protest. 

4. The government imposed a curfew and called out police to keep check on them.

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