Throw more light on India occupying an important and strategic position in South Asia.

Q- Throw more light on India occupying an important and strategic position in South Asia.

Answer: 1. India has 28 states and 9 union territories.

2. Sri Lanka and India are separated by a narrow sea formed by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar.

3. India has the largest coastline in the Indian Ocean which is why this ocean was named after India in ancient times.

4. India is only connected through land routes to other countries in the northern part and the other part is the coastal area.

Class 9th Geography Important Questions


Throw more light on India occupying an important and strategic position in South Asia class 9

India actually occupies a strategic position in South Asia because in this location, India has a huge coastline in the Indian Ocean and it is also a source of income for people of coastal areas.

Which country occupies an important strategic position in South Asia

India is the only country that occupies an important and strategic position in South Asia. This is due to its geographical placement in South Asia.

How does India occupy an important strategic position in Asia

India occupies a large area in South Asia in which most of the area is covered by the coastline. This is a very positive point for India. The coastal areas provide employment to the people of that coastal area.

How does India occupy central position in Indian Ocean

The Indian landmass is located at the southernmost point of Asia and the trans-Indian Ocean route helps in connecting the European countries of the west to countries of East Asia. In this way, Indian occupies a central position in the Indian Ocean.

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